Gyrodrive Empowering The Efficient Future
Gyrodrive Machineries’ Magnet Free SRM Motors, the cutting-edge solution for sustainable and efficient power in vehicles, appliances and various industrial applications. These state-of-the-art motors are designed to revolutionize the way we harness energy, providing exceptional performance while minimizing environmental impact.
Problems that we are addressing
There is a huge surge in demand of electric vehicle motors and controllers, which is ridden with supply chain issues, technological challenges and environmental implications
Growing EV Demand
- Electric Vehicle Market is Growing with a CAGR of 14%
- Motors and Drives are the Heart of any EV
- Govt. Plans to increase share of EV’s by 30 % by 2028
$25+ Billion
Technological Challenges
- Reduced Torque at High Temperatures
- High Cost of Spares
- Permanent Damage at High Temperatures & Low Reliability Due to Phase Fault
High Temperature
Supply Chain Challenges
- Monopoly on Magnets Controllers and Drives
- India Doesn’t have any Share of Rare Earth Materials Market
- More than 90% Rare Earth Elements are Imported
Carbon Footprint
- Mining of Rare Earth Materials used for Permanent Magnets Leads to Radioactive Pollution
- Carbon Footprint ~ 200 CO2 eq/year
Rare Earth ~ Toxic
SRM Motors
The Solution Magnet Free SRM Motors
Completely in-house designed and developed Motors and controllers.
- High Power and Energy Density
- Extreme Reliability and Robustness
- Unmatched efficiency across the drive cycle
Unique Features
- In house Software for Design, Tuning and Health Prediction
- High Quality and Cost-effective Drive Solutions
- Close Linkages with Supply Chain and Client OEMs
- Magnet Free Designs Lead to Reliable Supply Chain
- Minimal Cost Fluctuations
The advantages with Gyrodrive Motors and Controllers

Energy Savings
Save 50% energy costs with efficiency matching SRM motors.

Reduced Footprint
30% Less CO2 consumed with sustainable raw materials.

No Supply Risk
0% requirement of hard to source Rare Earth Minerals

Cost Advantage
40% Lower cost from eliminating costly Rare Earth magnets.
Applications of SRM Motor

Electric Vehicles


Industrial Applications
